Saturday, August 20, 2022

Four Similar Computer Programs for Solving Geometric Programming Problems, Including Those with Free Variables


Four Similar Computer Programs for Solving  Geometric Programming Problems, Including Those with Free Variables    

Jsun Yui Wong

The four computer programs listed below seek to solve all the geometric programming examples in Li and Tsai [51].

Example 1 in Li and Tsai, 2005 [51]

Similar to the computer program of the preceding paper, the first computer program listed below seeks to solve the formulation on page 9 of Li and Tsai [51] :


      X(1) ^ 2.1 * X(2) * X(3) ^ 3 + X(1)

 subject to 

         -X(1) - X(2) ^ 2 <= -5 

         X(2) - X(1) + X(3) <= 13 

        0 <= X(1) <=3

         -2 <= X(2) <= 3 

         -2 <= X(3) <= 3.    




2 DIM B(99), N(99), A(200), H(99), L(99), U(99), X(200), D(111), P(111), PS(33), J(99), AA(99), HR(32), HHR(32), LHS(44), PLHS(44), LB(22), UB(22), PX(44), J44(44), PN(22), NN(22)

9 FOR JJJJ = -32000 TO 32000


    90 M = -3D+30

    111 A(1) = 0 + (RND * 3)

    112 A(2) = -2 + (RND * 5)

    113 A(3) = -2 + (RND * 5)

    128 FOR I = 1 TO 50000

        129 FOR KKQQ = 1 TO 3

            130 X(KKQQ) = A(KKQQ)

        131 NEXT KKQQ

        139 FOR IPP = 1 TO FIX(1 + RND * 2)

            140 B = 1 + FIX(RND * 3)

            144 IF RND < .5 THEN 160 ELSE GOTO 167

            160 r = (1 - RND * 2) * A(B)

            164 X(B) = A(B) + (RND ^ (RND * 15)) * r

            165 GOTO 168

            167 IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = A(B) - FIX(RND * 4) ELSE X(B) = A(B) + FIX(RND * 4)

        168 NEXT IPP

        196 IF X(1) < 0 THEN 1670

        197 IF X(1) > 3 THEN 1670

        198 IF X(2) < -2 THEN 1670

        199 IF X(2) > 3 THEN 1670

        200 IF X(3) < -2 THEN 1670

        201 IF X(3) > 3 THEN 1670

        219 IF -X(1) - X(2) ^ 2 > -5 THEN 1670

        221 IF X(2) - X(1) + X(3) > 13 THEN 1670

        459 PD1 = -X(1) ^ 2.1 * X(2) * X(3) ^ 3 - X(1)

        466 P = PD1

        1111 IF P <= M THEN 1670

        1452 M = P

        1454 FOR KLX = 1 TO 3

            1455 A(KLX) = X(KLX)

        1456 NEXT KLX

    1670 NEXT I

    1777 IF M < 333 THEN 1999

    1904 PRINT A(1), A(2), A(3), M, JJJJ


This computer program was run with qb64v1000-win [101].  Its complete output of one run through JJJJ= -31981 is shown below:

3      -2      3      539.4359      -31998

3      -2      3      539.4359      -31997

3      -2      3      539.4359      -31981

Above there is no rounding by hand; it is just straight copying by hand from the monitor screen. On a personal computer with Processor Intel Pentium CPU G620@ 2.60GHz, 4.00 GB of RAM (3.89 GB usable), 64-bit Operating System, and QB64v1000-win [101], the wall-clock time (not CPU time) for obtaining the output through JJJJ = -31981 was 3 seconds, counting from "Starting program...".  One can compare the computational results above with those in Li and Tsai [51].  

Example 2 in Li and Tsai, 2005 [51]

Similar to the computer program above, the computer program listed immediately below seeks to solve the formulation on page 11 of Li and Tsai [51] :


       400 * X(1) ^ .9 + 1000 + 22 * (X(2) - 14.7) ^ 1.2 + X(4)

 subject to 


         X(2) = EXP(-3950 / (X(3) + 460) + 11.86)

        144 * (80 - X(3)) =  X(1) * X(4)  

          0 <= X(1) <= 15.1

         14.7 <= X(2) <= 94.2 

         -459.67 <= X(3) <= 80     

          0 <= X(4).



2 DIM B(99), N(99), A(200), H(99), L(99), U(99), X(200), D(111), P(111), PS(33), J(99), AA(99), HR(32), HHR(32), LHS(44), PLHS(44), LB(22), UB(22), PX(44), J44(44), PN(22), NN(22)

9 FOR JJJJ = -32000 TO 32000


    90 M = -3D+30

    111 A(1) = 0 + (RND * 15.1)

    112 A(2) = 14.7 + (RND * 79.5)

    113 A(3) = -459.67 + (RND * 539.67)

    114 A(4) = (RND * 10)

    128 FOR I = 1 TO 50000

        129 FOR KKQQ = 1 TO 4

            130 X(KKQQ) = A(KKQQ)

        131 NEXT KKQQ

        139 FOR IPP = 1 TO FIX(1 + RND * 3)

            140 B = 1 + FIX(RND * 4)

            144 IF RND < .5 THEN 160 ELSE GOTO 167

            160 r = (1 - RND * 2) * A(B)

            164 X(B) = A(B) + (RND ^ (RND * 15)) * r

            165 GOTO 168

            167 IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = A(B) - FIX(RND * 4) ELSE X(B) = A(B) + FIX(RND * 4)

        168 NEXT IPP

        196 IF X(1) < 0 THEN 1670

        197 IF X(1) > 15.1 THEN 1670

        198 IF X(2) < 14.7 THEN 1670

        199 IF X(2) > 94.2 THEN 1670

        200 IF X(3) < -459.67 THEN 1670

        201 IF X(3) > 80 THEN 1670

        202 IF X(4) < 0 THEN 1670


        218 X(3) = (144 * 80 - X(1) * X(4)) / 144

        220 X(2) = EXP(-3950 / (X(3) + 460) + 11.86)

        459 PD1 = -400 * X(1) ^ .9 - 1000 - 22 * (X(2) - 14.7) ^ 1.2 - X(4)

        466 P = PD1

        1111 IF P <= M THEN 1670

        1452 M = P

        1454 FOR KLX = 1 TO 4

            1455 A(KLX) = X(KLX)

        1456 NEXT KLX

    1670 NEXT I

    1777 IF M <= -9999999999 THEN 1999

    1904 PRINT A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), M, JJJJ


This computer program was run with qb64v1000-win [101].  Its complete output of one run through JJJJ= -31999 is shown below:

7.103713991400354D-18         94.1778659402041      80

8.136067055234835D-13        -5194.866244203784     -32000

2.404310389455815D-17         94.1778659402041      80

3.586516987154525D-13        -5194.866244203784     -31999

Above there is no rounding by hand; it is just straight copying by hand from the monitor screen. On a personal computer with Processor Intel Pentium CPU G620@ 2.60GHz, 4.00 GB of RAM (3.89 GB usable), 64-bit Operating System, and QB64v1000-win [101], the wall-clock time (not CPU time) for obtaining the output through JJJJ = -31999 was 2 seconds, counting from "Starting program...".  One can compare the computational results above with those in Li and Tsai [51].  

Example 3 in Li and Tsai, 2005 [51]

The computer program listed immediately below seeks to solve the second formulation on page 11 of Li and Tsai [51] :


       X(1) ^ -2 * X(2) ^ -.5 * X(3) ^ -1 + 8 * X(1) ^ -1 * X(4) ^ 2 - 8 * X(4)   

 subject to 

        X(1) - X(2) ^ .5 * X(3) ^ .5 <= 3 

         2 * X(1) + X(2) - X(3) + X(4) <= 6 


          1 <= X(1) <= 5

         3 <= X(2) <= 7 

         1 <= X(3) <= 10     

          1 <= X(4) <= 5. 



2 DIM B(99), N(99), A(200), H(99), L(99), U(99), X(200), D(111), P(111), PS(33), J(99), AA(99), HR(32), HHR(32), LHS(44), PLHS(44), LB(22), UB(22), PX(44), J44(44), PN(22), NN(22)

9 FOR JJJJ = -32000 TO 32000


    90 M = -3D+30

    111 A(1) = 1 + (RND * 4)

    112 A(2) = 3 + (RND * 4)

    113 A(3) = 1 + (RND * 9)

    114 A(4) = 1 + (RND * 4)

    128 FOR I = 1 TO 50000

        129 FOR KKQQ = 1 TO 4

            130 X(KKQQ) = A(KKQQ)

        131 NEXT KKQQ

        139 FOR IPP = 1 TO FIX(1 + RND * 3)

            140 B = 1 + FIX(RND * 4)

            144 IF RND < .5 THEN 160 ELSE GOTO 167

            160 r = (1 - RND * 2) * A(B)

            164 X(B) = A(B) + (RND ^ (RND * 15)) * r

            165 GOTO 168

            167 IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = A(B) - FIX(RND * 4) ELSE X(B) = A(B) + FIX(RND * 4)

        168 NEXT IPP

        196 IF X(1) < 1 THEN 1670

        197 IF X(1) > 5 THEN 1670

        198 IF X(2) < 3 THEN 1670

        199 IF X(2) > 7 THEN 1670

        200 IF X(3) < 1 THEN 1670

        201 IF X(3) > 10 THEN 1670

        202 IF X(4) < 1 THEN 1670

        203 IF X(4) > 5 THEN 1670

        235 IF X(1) - X(2) ^ .5 * X(3) ^ .5 > 3 THEN 1670

        237 IF 2 * X(1) + X(2) - X(3) + X(4) > 6 THEN 1670

        461 PD1 = -X(1) ^ -2 * X(2) ^ -.5 * X(3) ^ -1 - 8 * X(1) ^ -1 * X(4) ^ 2 + 8 * X(4)

        466 P = PD1

        1111 IF P <= M THEN 1670

        1452 M = P

        1454 FOR KLX = 1 TO 4

            1455 A(KLX) = X(KLX)

        1456 NEXT KLX

    1670 NEXT I

    1777 IF M < -999999999 THEN 1999

    1904 PRINT A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), M, JJJJ


This computer program was run with qb64v1000-win [101].  Its complete output of one run through JJJJ= -31998 is shown below:

5      3.497652      9.999683      2.500422      9.997861


5      3.498328      9.99999      2.500001      9.997862


5      3.498937      9.999455      2.500042      9.997862


Above there is no rounding by hand; it is just straight copying by hand from the monitor screen. On a personal computer with Processor Intel Pentium CPU G620@ 2.60GHz, 4.00 GB of RAM (3.89 GB usable), 64-bit Operating System, and QB64v1000-win [101], the wall-clock time (not CPU time) for obtaining the output through JJJJ = -31998 was 2 seconds, counting from "Starting program...".  One can compare the computational results above with those in Li and Tsai [51].  

Example 4 in Li and Tsai, 2005 [51]

The computer program listed immediately below seeks to solve the formulation on page 12 of Li and Tsai [51] :


        - ( -(X(4) - 1) ^ 2 - (X(5) - 2) ^ 2 - (X(6) - 1) ^ 2 + LOG(X(7) + 1) - (X(1) - 1) ^ 2 - (X(2) - 2) ^ 2 - (X(3) - 3) ^ 2)   

 subject to 

         X(4) + X(5) + X(6) + X(1) + X(2) + X(3) <= 5

        X(6) ^ 2 + X(1) ^ 2 + X(2) ^ 2 + X(3) ^ 2 <= 5.5

         X(4) + X(1) <= 1.2 

         X(5) + X(2) <= 1.8 

         X(6) + X(3) <= 2.5 

         X(7) + X(1) <= 1.2 

         X(5) ^ 2 + X(2) ^ 2 <= 1.64 

         X(6) ^ 2 + X(3) ^ 2 <= 4.25 

         X(5) ^ 2 + X(3) ^ 2 <= 4.64       

          0 <= X(1) <= 1.2

         0 <= X(2) <= 1.8 

         0 <= X(3) <= 2.5     

         X(i) element  {0, 1},  i= 4, 5, 6, 7.



2 DIM B(99), N(99), A(200), H(99), L(99), U(99), X(200), D(111), P(111), PS(33), J(99), AA(99), HR(32), HHR(32), LHS(44), PLHS(44), LB(22), UB(22), PX(44), J44(44), PN(22), NN(22)

9 FOR JJJJ = -32000 TO 32000


    90 M = -3D+30

    111 A(1) = 0 + (RND * 1.2)

    112 A(2) = 0 + (RND * 1.8)

    113 A(3) = 0 + (RND * 2.5)

    116 FOR J44 = 4 TO 7

        117 A(J44) = INT(RND)

    118 NEXT J44

    128 FOR I = 1 TO 50000

        129 FOR KKQQ = 1 TO 7

            130 X(KKQQ) = A(KKQQ)

        131 NEXT KKQQ

        139 FOR IPP = 1 TO FIX(1 + RND * 5)

            140 B = 1 + FIX(RND * 7)

            144 IF RND < .5 THEN 160 ELSE GOTO 167

            160 r = (1 - RND * 2) * A(B)

            164 X(B) = A(B) + (RND ^ (RND * 15)) * r

            165 GOTO 168

            167 IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = A(B) - FIX(RND * 4) ELSE X(B) = A(B) + FIX(RND * 4)

        168 NEXT IPP

        196 IF X(1) < 0 THEN 1670

        197 IF X(1) > 1.2 THEN 1670

        198 IF X(2) < 0 THEN 1670

        199 IF X(2) > 1.8 THEN 1670

        200 IF X(3) < 0 THEN 1670

        201 IF X(3) > 2.5 THEN 1670

        214 FOR J44 = 4 TO 7

            215 X(J44) = INT(X(J44))

        216 NEXT J44

        311 IF X(4) + X(1) > 1.2 THEN 1670

        312 IF X(5) + X(2) > 1.8 THEN 1670

        313 IF X(6) + X(3) > 2.5 THEN 1670

        314 IF X(7) + X(1) > 1.2 THEN 1670

        315 IF X(5) ^ 2 + X(2) ^ 2 > 1.64 THEN 1670

        316 IF X(6) ^ 2 + X(3) ^ 2 > 4.25 THEN 1670

        317 IF X(5) ^ 2 + X(3) ^ 2 > 4.64 THEN 1670

        318 IF X(6) ^ 2 + X(1) ^ 2 + X(2) ^ 2 + X(3) ^ 2 > 5.5 THEN 1670

        319 IF X(4) + X(5) + X(6) + X(1) + X(2) + X(3) > 5 THEN 1670

        458 IF (X(7) + 1) < .0001 THEN 1670

        461 PD1 = -(X(4) - 1) ^ 2 - (X(5) - 2) ^ 2 - (X(6) - 1) ^ 2 + LOG(X(7) + 1) - (X(1) - 1) ^ 2 - (X(2) - 2) ^ 2 - (X(3) - 3) ^ 2

        466 P = PD1

        1111 IF P <= M THEN 1670

        1452 M = P

        1454 FOR KLX = 1 TO 7

            1455 A(KLX) = X(KLX)

        1456 NEXT KLX

    1670 NEXT I

    1777 IF M < -5 THEN 1999

    1904 PRINT A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), A(5), A(6), A(7), M, JJJJ


This computer program was run with qb64v1000-win [101].  Its complete output of one run through JJJJ= -31994 is shown below:

.1978585      .7999998      1.907878      1      1

0      1      -4.583015      -31998

.2      .8      1.907878      1      1

0      1      -4.579583      -31997

.1999998      .8      1.907878      1      1

0      1      -4.579583      -31994

Above there is no rounding by hand; it is just straight copying by hand from the monitor screen. On a personal computer with Processor Intel Pentium CPU G620@ 2.60GHz, 4.00 GB of RAM (3.89 GB usable), 64-bit Operating System, and QB64v1000-win [101], the wall-clock time (not CPU time) for obtaining the output through JJJJ = -31994 was 3 seconds, counting from "Starting program...".  One can compare the computational results above with those in Li and Tsai [51].  


I would like to acknowledge the encouragement of Roberta Clark and Tom Clark.


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